Thursday, August 28, 2014

my throw up of fears

I am scared of throw up. It's uncomfortable.

I am scared of moving and I'm scared of change.

I am scared of the pressure of choosing a pen name.

I am scared of dogs. &tongues. The human kind and the dog kind.

I'm scared of these blogs. Kind of scared to show you me.

I am scared of disappointment and selfishly amTERRIFIED of the thought that someone might relate.

I am scared of the unknown. especially when it's dark and it's in my closet.

I am scared of Paris. scared of the language barrier but definitely not the food.

I'm scared of thoughts and what the thoughts might be saying about me.

 I'm scared that I flatter myself to much cause truly I know those thoughts aren't talking about me.

I'm scared of the power of a name.

 I'm scared of my name.

I'm scared of political statements. &the people who tend to fill conversations with them.

I'm scared of first impressions.

I'm scared of being blind. Physically and emotionally.

I'm scared of goodbyes. that's one reason i appreciate the girl with brown hair.

I'm scared of hair. I think it says to much.

I'm scared of stories. scared of their ends.

I'm scared of our end.

I'm scared that the sun won't come up tomorrow.

I'm scared of forever.

I am scared of god.

I'm scared of the truth.


  1. "scared of the language barrier but definitely not the food."
    I don't know if you meant this as a metaphor but I took it as one and it's brilliant.

  2. Absolutely everything about this was brilliant.

    One of my favorites for sure.
